Humans have a basic need for human contact, especially during times of stress. Being socially connected with others is one of the most powerful social and psychological boosts most humans get. Conversely socially isolation can be a major life stressor. Given the new social guidelines to combat the spread of COVID-19, finding and maintaining friendships may be difficult in the weeks ahead.
Consider some of these approaches if you are not getting the social stimulation you might need:
Yes, the COVID-19 outbreak is stressful. Yes, it’s good to know if there is something new you can do. But don’t overdo it!
Watching or reading too much news about the coronavirus is bad for your health. Several studies on large-scale disasters find that the more you watch, read, or expose yourself to disaster-related news, the more upset you become. In fact, becoming obsessed with the latest news about a disaster can increase the odds of your getting symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. What to do?
One reason that the coronavirus is a threat to mental health is that it disrupts almost all of our daily routines. For most of us, we have spent months and years building up patterns of daily habits. We get up in the morning, brush our teeth, make coffee and breakfast, maybe check email, go to work, meet the usual group of coworkers, have lunch with the usual group, and so on. Day after day after day.
And then, out of nowhere, all of these routines are disrupted. We have to start over.
Welcome to your new life. Check out the recent book by Dr. Wendy Wood,
Good Habits, Bad Habits, concerning the power of habits and how to build new ones. The science behind it is to begin with a new set of daily behaviors that you find healthy and meaningful. Some suggestions:
Feelings of anxiety, distress, and depression are quite common when we are faced with overwhelming threats over which we have very little control. There is now a substantial literature on ways to combat common forms of anxiety or depression. Mental health professionals are now seeing a surge in people who are quite stressed out by the coronavirus. If this is of concern to you or someone you know, a good place to begin is the website for the Centers for Disease Control, or CDC
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