Describing Yourself in Your Own Words Header image




Current Residency (State):

Birth Place (Country):

If birth place is not United States,
please indicate age of entry into the United States:

Mother's Place of Birth (Country):

Father's Place of Birth (Country):

Generation (Please check one):

1st Generation = I was born in Asia or country other than the U.S.
2nd Generation = I was born in the U.S., either parents were born in Asia or country other than the U.S.
3rd Generation = I was born in the U.S., both parents were born in the U.S., and all grandparents were born in Asia or country other than the U.S.
4th Generation + = I was born in the U.S., both parents were born in the U.S., and at least one grandparent was born in the U.S.

Parent's social class:

Your social class (if you are financially dependent please choose 'not financially independent'):

Indicate your years of education:

First language:

Please indicate your second language,
if any:

Please indicate level of fluency:

In this country, people come from a lot of different cultures and there are many different words to describe the different backgrounds or ethnic groups that people come from. Some examples of the names of ethnic groups are Mexican American, Latino, Black, Asian American, American Indian, Anglo, American, and Caucasian. Every person is born into an ethnic group, or sometimes to two or more groups, but people differ on how important their ethnicity is to them, how they feel about it, and how much their behavior is affected by it.

In terms of ethnic group,
I consider myself to be

Many standardized tests and questionnaires such as the Census Bureau require individuals to fill out their race, ethnicity, and ancestry group. Please indicate which group most applies to you (Please check one):

Asian or Asian American, including Chinese, Japanese, and others
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino, including Mexican American, Central American, and others
White, Caucasian, Anglo, European American; not Hispanic
American Indian/ Native American
Mixed; Parents are from two different groups
Other (Please describe)